Hullachan Pro (H3)

Hullachan Pro (H3)


The new Irish dancing pump, the H3 from Hullachan Pro has been designed from the ground up to protect and enhance a dancer's performance, and reflects the increasing demands of today's Irish dancing. These Hullachan's have a secondary eyelet closer to the arch of the foot. This allows dancers to use the laces to pull the arch of the pump up so it fits snugly and securely under their own arch. This allows the pump to support the dancer's arch as well as showcasing the arch of the dance. If you have high arches you will get the support you need! The H3 are also fitted with Clever Insoles made from a combination of materials which protect and cushion your feet and joints. The pump is made from a softer leather than the original Hullachans to allow for a slight stretch for an improved fit and finished with a red suede lining.


  • 4mm higher at the back and deeper heel seat - For a secure fit around the heel Clever Insoles

  • Protects & cushions with dual layer insole at the toe and heel

  • Available in:

    • Regular sizes Child 12 - Adult 8

    • Plus-Wide sizes Child 13 - Adult 8

UK Size:
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